Mill Scale

美 [mɪl skeɪl]英 [mɪl skeɪl]
  • 网络轧屑;黑铁皮
Mill ScaleMill Scale
  1. Mill scale , rust , paint coatings and foreign matter are removed .


  2. Reduced Iron Powder from Mill Scale


  3. Tight mill scale cannot be removed with such media , but loose scale can be .


  4. It is impractical to remove tight mill scale by power wire brushing .


  5. Mill Scale Results on TMP Pulping of Southern Pine with Pressurized Chip Pretreatment


  6. New Method of Recycle and Deoiling of Mill Scale Latest Development on Recycling Technology of Iron Oxide Secondary Resource in Iron & Steel Industry


  7. Complete removal of rust and mill scale by acid pickling , duplex pickling or electrolytic pickling .


  8. The process and production mechanism of reduced iron powder from mill scale and iron ore was described . Finally , it was compared the characters of different grades of reduced iron powder .


  9. Blast cleaning of all except tightly adhering residues of mill scale , rust and coatings , exposing numerous evenly distributed flecks of underlying metal .


  10. The experimental results indicate the advantage of neutral cellulase / amylase MOW deinking and the feasibility to produce high grade paper in mill scale with the deinking MOW pulp .


  11. In recent years the imidazoline inhibitors have been the focus of research and were used widely in industrial application ( i.e. , to remove mill scale in picking solution , acidization of oil wells , removal of scale and rust etc. ) .


  12. An example shows that a sound economic benefit has been continuing to be gained ever since 1985 the mill made a large scale equipment importation , innovation and reformation , which speeded up the technological progress and greatly renewed and improved the products .
